Advices for a job interview

By | November 29, 2016

dicas-para-conseguir-um-empregoThe candidate for a vacant job can have an excellent resume, but if he/she does not do well in the interview with their future employer, he/she is at serious risk of not perusing the desired opportunity.

1 - Before the interview

> Research and find out as much information about your probable employer as possible.

The company’s website should be your first starting point. Familiarize yourself with its’ mission, past performance, future goals, and current analyst’s evaluations. Talk to someone who has already worked in the organization. Search for information about the company and its’ field of business before the interview – search on the internet about the institution, about innovation regarding its’ field of action. Questions relating to the company and its’ operational area are practically certain during the interview. Answering to one of those questions with something such as “I don’t know the company” or “I don’t know what it does” is certain to either eliminate or significantly decrease your chances of being hired.

> Familiarize yourself with your resume and be prepared to answer questions about it

At the same time, make sure you have carefully read the job description, and think about how your experience benefits your potential employer.

> Prepare your interview kit

It should include your degrees, certificates, references, and a list of questions you can ask the interviewer. Examples: What will be my responsibilities? What is the motive of the position’s vacancy? How will I be evaluated? What are the growth plans within the company ?

> Prepare yourself ahead to answer typical questions from a recruiter

If there’s the “tell me about yourself” question, you should use the “be yourself” principle because this question aims to understand what you value most about yourself, and there is no right or wrong answer. The ideal is to be very open and honest.

In case of a career satisfaction question, again there’s no right or wrong answer. Probably some points of your career could be better – perspectives, learning, the sector’s economic condition. Be clear on this point and present good arguments. If they make the “why do you want to leave your current employer” question, never take the conversation to the personal area. Do not blame former bosses and colleagues, badmouth or show ungratefulness towards your former employer. Your chances will be reduced.

2 - During the Interview

> Use good body language

Greet your interviewer standing, with a firm and strong handshake and a smile. Sit in an upright position, with both feet on the floor. Speak in a clear and confident manner. Try maintaining a comfortable level of eye contact during the interview.

> Be aware of the several stages that make up an interview

A standard interview usually starts with an introductory chat, followed by specific questions, from your application to your work experience. General information about the company and the position may come next. In the end, there’s a moment for questions.

3 - After the interview

Write a brief summary of the interview while it is still fresh on your memory. Write down the areas you felt most confident in, as well as any difficulties you may have experienced. A follow up thank you email is also very important. In addiiton, if possible thank the person by phone or email, giving your impressions about the interview and asking the same from the interviewer might help as well. Doing this can greatly increase your chances of being called for another interview, and possibly being hired in the near future.

Relaxation Techniques for Job Interviews

Hours before the interview, take a few minutes to relax. Turn off the television, and go to a quiet environment to relax. Take the first ten minutes to relax your mind. In the ten following minutes visualize yourself arriving to the interview, confident and prepare. In the ten final minutes go back to relaxing, thinking that you have prepared enough to get the job opportunity. Finally all you have to do is put in practice with what you have studied.