Ten (10) frequente questions in a job interview

By | November 29, 2016

contratacao-selecao-engenharia1- Tell me about yourself (martial status, children, who you live with, etc).

 There’s no better answer than the truth.

2 - What do you do in your free time?

Remember that your hobbies and occupations show not only your ability to demonstrate time management, but also your skills, and any concerns about personal development can be eased with expressing personal relationships you have obtained through your hobbies.

3 - Tells us about your work evolution. What was your first job and what is your current situation?

It is very important that you are very clear and show all your professional experience, and how this makes you a high potential candidate to any company. Be brief with dates and reasons for joining and leaving each company. Be careful not to lose yourself chronologically.

4 - Why have you left (or want to leave) your current company?

If you have been fired, explain it directly and objectively, without showing any resentment nor hurt towards your former superiors. In case you are still with the company, it is important to speak about career development, and personal and professional growth.

5 - What didn’t you like about your former/current company?

Do not complain, nor play the victim. Be positive in your arguments, even if you went through some issues. Do not forget that no company is perfect.

6 - How do you deal with work pressure?

Begin your answer by giving examples of past experiences in this situation. This will give consistency to the answer and security so the interviewer can see the full potential to occupy the said position.

7 - What have you done currently that shows your capacity to take initiative?

Start by mentioning a series of accomplishments in your professional life. Show that you are always trying to make progress.

8 - Define your biggest qualities and what areas you would like to improve.

Mention characteristics usually associated with good professionalism: proactivity, commitment, responsibility, enthusiasm, creativity, persistence, dedication, initiative and competence. As for the points you need to improve, always have in mind that everyone has “flaws” and punctuating them is a way to show self-critic. Do not forget to mention your will or attitudes towards changing these.

9 - What is makes you different and why should we hire you?

This is a very complicated question, but what is expected is that the professional knows how to “sell” his product. It is mandatory to focus on your capacities, value your profile as the most adequate for that specific position and how you can bring benefits and profit to the company.

10 - What is your wage expectation?

This is a question that usually makes the candidate go to a defensive position. The suggestion is to start the negotiation by stating your former remuneration and the benefits offered by the previous company. It is appropriate to question the interviewer about the average salary range of said position and what benefits are offered by the company.

Tips that may help:

  1. Enter the company’s website and try to learn as much about it as possible: history, objectives, current and new projects, etc.
  2. Take a good look at the job vacancy’s profile in order to set yourself in the direction they want.
  3. Be careful with your appearance and presentation.
  4. Take an updated and printed resume.
  5. Be punctual.
  6. Avoid smoking minutes before or start the interview chewing gum or candy.
  7. Keep calm, trust yourself and show all your skills in a confident manner.
  8. Speak clearly and be careful not to tell jokes or use slangs.
  9. Ask, show interest in the challenge ahead.