Three indispensable skills to pursue a career as an Engineer in Canada

By | June 9, 2017
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Engineering is undoubtedly fundamental to the development of society. Basically all the resources, technologies, instruments and machines we have today are the result of the work of engineers.
To be a skilled and competent engineer, you must first of all have the will to learn, because even basic knowledge for any engineering field is extensive and can make all the difference in the performance of a job or a process.
In any profession, some skills are indispensable to the professional profile, and engineering is no different. Below we have the three main characteristics that every engineer should possess:


# Like numbers and calculations
It's no use trying to get around this or just "getting used to" doing the math. To be a good engineer, you really have to like numbers. Feeling pleasure in calculating is fundamental to any engineering, after all, you will be using numbers on a big part of your day.
In addition to that, the calculations made by the engineers are quite complex and require a certain ease from the professional with mathematics, which comes from practice and natural aptitude.


# Know how to work in a team
Being an engineer and not liking teamwork is a completely unworkable combination for the job market. As an engineer, you will always be in contact with a team with interconnected functions. Knowing how to respect one's function is fundamental.
An engineer is, in most cases, in the role of leader of a team, so it is indispensable that the professional knows how to deal with people aiming at project quality.


# Have a market view
There are researches that point out that all the knowledge acquired by engineering is duplicated in approximately 10 years.
The evolution of technologies and processes occurs at a very fast pace, so it is a fundamental characteristic of an engineer to have a market view and the ability to adapt.
You can be a highly qualified professional at the moment, but if you do not look at new trends and chase after the main innovations, you will soon be replaced by more up-to-date and dynamic professionals.